Our various ministries are an opportunity to more fully experience Jesus through close relationships as we play and pray together, as we encourage and help one another, and as we study and live out God’s word together.

preschool Ministry
At Tots for Christ, we support and encourage preschool parents in nurturing and instructing their children in the Lord. We offer many learning opportunities to meet the spiritual needs of your preschoolers. Our mission is to reach preschoolers and their families for Jesus Christ, build a caring relationship with them, and teach preschoolers age-appropriate Bible truths.
kid's ministry
Our Junior Worship is held Sundays during service and offers a place where children in grades 1 through 6 can discover and develop a passion for God.
We provide a safe, spiritual and fun environment where God’s Word comes to life through innovative lessons, music, Christian videos and more. Your child will laugh, learn, play, explore, grow, feel loved, and won’t want to leave.

At T.W.I.S.T. Teen Church (Teens Worshipping in Spirit & Truth)
you will find teens for Christ, anointed worship, self expression, music and more. All of this to help show that every person can live a totally awesome and fulfilled life in Christ Jesus.
We strive to educate our teens on the reality of the world, helping them build to a Godly confidence so they are prepared to face life’s challenges.
youth & family
Here at SBC, there are spiritual growth opportunities for the entire family:
Blooming Buds (girls ages 5-12)
Young Guardians (boys ages 5-12)
Rose Petals (girls ages 13-18)
Men's Mentoring (boys ages 13-18)
These ministries are looking for more young people to participate every 3rd Friday from 7:00p until 9:00p

young adults
Join us on as we host national and local Christian speakers, musicians and artists as they share their talents, testimonies, and love Jesus in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. Come and be refreshed.
Special Events at Pop-Up Locations
women's ministry
Women of Grace. The SBC Women’s Ministry was formed to encourage and motivate women to draw closer to the Lord and to each other. We offer opportunities for women of all ages and stages of life to meet and grow together in a group atmosphere as we study God’s Word.
Every 1st & 3rd Friday of the month 7:00p

men's ministry
Connect with other men and dive into God's Word by joining us at God’s Mighty Men Ministry When we connect we have intense Bible teaching which is followed by small-group life application. Other men's activities include getaway and onsite retreats, guest speakers conferences, special events and small groups.
2nd & 4th Saturdays 9:00a
PRAYER ministry
Join us for early morning prayer every Wednesday at 6:00 a.m.
Conference call#:
(No access code required)
Playback call#: 605-313-4101
Access code: 4334206#
Or send your prayer request to thesbcprayerministry@gmail.com

The Missions Ministry here at SBC is about helping people, but most importantly making a difference by spreading the love of Jesus Christ,
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “whom shall i send? And who will go for Us?” and I said, “Here am I. Send me!” Isaiah 6:8
Jesus In the Streets (JITS) Serving Every 3rd Saturday at 16th & JFK Blvd
care CELL ministRy
Our goal is to connect every SBC member with a
Care Cell Ministry Leader in order to bridge communications between our church and its members and encourage active participation in our church community. Every member is assigned to a Care Cell Leader who will make contact with them on an individual basis periodically throughout the year.
Meet & Greet every 5th Sunday after service

Singles’ Ministry
The Singles' Ministry was formed to holistically develop singles using the Word of God with a focus on Jesus Christ. Join us for food, fun & fellowship!
We meet 4th Fridays at 7p
Marriage Ministry
Making a marriage last a lifetime is something both partners have to make a priority. Whether your marriage is thriving, barely surviving or somewhere in between, there’s always an opportunity to enrich it. Our Marriage Enrichment offers classes, workshops, conferences, retreats and other events designed to equip and better the lives of families.
Join us every 3rd Saturday at 7p

At Sharon Baptist Church, we offer various ministries to help you and your family grow closer to God, and encourage you to reach out and touch others with God's love too.