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We’ve developed a list of frequently asked questions to help you better understand ‘who we are’ and ‘what we do.’ If you can’t find an answer to your question here, feel free to call us with your question.
Do you have programs for senior citizens?Yes. Our seniors meet weekly on Mondays for prayer and other activities.
Do you have ministry for children and teenagers?Yes. In addition to our Junior Worship Service, Teen Worship Service (TWIST) and Youth Bible Study, there are many exciting and inspirational activities for our young people.
Do you have programs for single adults?We have a Singles’ Ministry for both men and women. The Singles’ Ministry meets at 7pm on the fourth Friday of every month for a time of fellowship and where they learn from God's Word. We also have times where they meet just to fellowship, chill and have fun.
Do you have to be a member to participate in church programs?Not at all. We encourage everyone to participate in our services, programs and events. All are welcome!
Do you have a ministry for someone struggling with an addiction?Yes we do. Our Freedom Ministry provides support for individuals dealing with addictions of any type. The Freedom Ministry gathers at 7pm on Wednesdays.
Is the church (sanctuary, Hope Café, etc.) available to rent?"It is! Contact the our church administrator at 215.473.3000 ext. 245 for details. (The Fellowship Mall is not an available rental space.)
May I have a wedding at the church?You must be an SBC member to have a wedding at the church. Contact the administrative office at 215.473.3000 ext 236 and leave a voicemail with your call-back information.
If I have a personal emergency, whom do I contact?"Members can contact the church office at 215.473.3000 ext 236 and leave a voicemail with your call back information and the nature of your call.
What are the office hours?The Administrative Office and the Business Office are available Tuesday through Thursday 9:30a - 5:00p and Friday 9:30a - 3:00p.
Is it possible for a new member of the church to have someone spend some time with them if they have questions?For sure. All new members receive a welcome call from a Discipleship Academy facilitator at which time any questions you have can be asked.
Do you have counselors on staff?Yes. Contact the Counseling Center at 215.473.3000 ext 236
Do I need an appointment to see the staff? Or is just dropping by OK?Yes. An appointment is required to see a staff member. Feel free to call the church office and speak with our receptionist for more information.
Do I have to be a member to receive Communion?You don't have to be a member. Our church practices open communion.
Is your building handicapped accessible?Yes it is! Our building is designed to be fully handicapped accessible. We have wheelchair ramps at all entrances, wide doorways to accommodate mobility aids, and elevators for easy access to all floors. Additionally, there are designated parking spaces for individuals with disabilities near the entrance. We strive to create an inclusive environment and are committed to meeting the needs of all members and visitors.
What is appropriate to wear to church?Come as you are! Whether you wear a suit and tie, jeans and a t-shirt, or anything in between, you’ll fit in just fine.The dress ranges from casual to professional.
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