What to expect

You are so welcome! So join us as our church family comes together to Discover, Encounter & Celebrate Jesus. No matter what your age, you’ll fit in. Whether you wear a suit and tie, jeans and a tee shirt, or anything in between, you’ll fit in just fine. Our service is usually about 90 minutes
Arrival Time
We encourage you to plan your arrival at least 15 minutes ahead of our service times.
Free parking is available.
Greeters will welcome you at the door, ushers will help you find a seat.
For the Kids
A nursery is provided for children ages 0-4. Children are welcome to attend the service with their family, but we also provide a wonderful program for kids, grades K-2. Your child’s safety and security are our highest priorities! Our programs are run by a friendly, well-trained, well-screened staff. Your child will participate in an engaging, age appropriate Bible lesson and some fun games and activities.
For the Teenagers
Middle and High School students gather for a worship experience designed just for them. TWIST (Teen Worshipping In Spirit & Truth) is for kids 6th grade up to 12th grade.
Our music is mostly a contemporary Gospel style and will often be led by a band that includes piano, keyboard, guitar, bass, drums, and percussions. Some people prefer to sit down during singing, and that’s perfectly fine, but many people will usually stand. The lyrics will be projected onto the screen at the front.
Worship Experience
Our Sunday service begins us praying as a family. We then worship God through song lead by our Praise & Worship team. Then the preaching and teaching from the Bible by our Senior Pastor, Bishop Reed.
The message is sure to challenge, guide and encourage as we learn more about Jesus, about the Bible, and about ourselves. The message typically lasts about 30-35 minutes.
During our service we will take up a voluntary financial offering. This is part of the way we worship, and express our immeasurable gratitude to God. We do not expect visitors to contribute to this offering, in fact we do not even ask our regular church members to contribute if their heart does not desire to. You are welcome to, but please don’t feel obligated to contribute to the offering.
After Service
Feel free to hang out for a while and catch up with friends or make some new ones.